Monday, July 28, 2008

And....Almost Done with Week Four!

So when you have the same schedule every week for four weeks, you realize that you are taking the same pictures over and over! It has been an awesome time for family and the kids. As you can see here, Sammy lost his first tooth. Unfortunately, he swallowed it while eating corn on the cob!

Meghan won't go anywhere without her tri-cycle. She spends her days at the beach and her evenings watching daddy be "silly" at club!

Abigail and Carter also spend the entire day toghether at the beach. Abigail is not camera shy.

Sammy has been working on his tan, his scooter riding, baseball with Will and Yates, and he is definately the best 5 year old frisbee golfer in camp!

We will be leaving camp this coming Sunday and heading to another cabin on a lake here in Minnesota. We will have some family time together and slowly make our way back to HOT St. Louis. Maria is doing well but has had a cough/congestion for a few weeks. Ibuprofen has become a regular part of Bill's diet - 800mg with every meal! Either sickness or body aches have been around all month!


Anonymous said...

great pictures! looks like a lot of fun. we look forward to having you all back in HOT st. louis! enjoy your family time!

EmmaBfromtheWG said...

all the kids look a year older...

and it's not that hot it's in the low 80's today

you also are missing the worst cardinal games of the rough game after another.

Peter B said...

Sammy does look older! CRAZY!